How to Use Your HANSIES™️:

  1. Slide your hands into your Hansies snugly.
  2. Run hands under warm water until moistened, but not dripping.
  3. Squeeze out excess water for even coverage.
  4. Gently wipe your face to lift makeup.
  5. Use fingertips to reach all areas (eyes, ears, nose, neck). Utilize the back of the Hansies too.
  6. For heavy makeup, rinse and repeat.

Cleaning and Drying:

  1. Rinse Hansies under running water, squeezing to remove makeup residue.
  2. If needed, use mild soap or detergent and rub them gently.
  3. Rinse until water runs clear.
  4. Squeeze out excess water.
  5. Dry in a well-ventilated area.

Ensure Hansies are completely dry before storing. Hand wash only; avoid machine washing or drying to maintain effectiveness and longevity.

Happy makeup removing!